He new experience dedicated to submarines and sound under the sea !
Découvrez « Océan sur écoute », l’espace qui vous plonge dans l’univers sonore des océans. Il vous prouvera que l’Océan est tout sauf silencieux.
« Océan sur écoute » vous propose de nombreux dispositifs pour entendre l’environnement sonore sous-marin. Cette nouveauté sensorielle et ludique est divisée en plusieurs zones thématiques :
As in a submarine half-hull
You’ll discover how does a submarine work? Floating – Diving – Stability – The age of black boats – acoustic discretion…
Bubbledhead Club
Hands-on learning area for the little ones, immersing them in a submarine. Do you know who the bubbledhead is on board a submarine? It’s the most junior submariners !
As a real undersea listening station
Open your ears! Comfortably seated, you’ll be amazed by the diversity of underwater sound families. Train your ears and then play solo or in pairs on our sound quiz… The little ones can even discover musical talents of each animal – amazing!
Secret of the Golden Ears
Take up your position and try out your ear in front a sonar screen, just as if you were sitting in the command center of a submarine.
The Control room
Thanks to a new simulator you scan the horizon and pilot the submarine. But most importantly, don’t get detected!
In videos
For more information
A course recognised by experts in underwater sound
The Director of the Centre d’Interprétation et de Reconnaissance Acoustique and an underwater acoustician (or golden ear) discovered Océan sur écoute when the space was inaugurated. They said it was a great way to discover their profession.
Horaires & tarifs
- Open all year round
- Free for children under 5
- Children’s ticket: from €15
- Adult ticket: from €21
LE CONCERT DE LA LIBERTÉ: the electro show at La Cité de la Mer.
On 14 June 2025, Bob Sinclar, Mosimann, Trinix and Chris Willsman will be rocking the Grande Halle at Cherbourg’s Gare Maritime Transatlantique in an unforgettable concert. Buy your ticket now !